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Welcome to the Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics

The Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, founded in 1983, constitutes Sector C of the Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

According to the 1268/82 law that governs the operation of Higher Education Institutions, the Section has the main responsibility to provide education to students by offering many courses of study in Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics that are taught by the academic staff of the Section.

The teaching assignments of courses are decided every year at the Section Assembly and are further ratified by the top principal committee of the Department of Physics, i.e., its General Assembly. The Section academic staff coordinates the teaching of courses in the following fields of study:

  • Observational Astrophysics
  • Theoretical Astrophysics
  • Theoretical Mechanics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Relativity – Cosmology
  • Solar and Space Physics
  • High Energy Astrophysics
  • Applied Optics
  • History and Philosophy of Physical Sciences

The Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Theoretical Mechanics participates in the teaching of courses leading to B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) in Physics , M.Sc. (Master in Science) in Physics with specialisation in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mechanics as well as the Doctorate Degree in Physical Sciences.